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Sensibly Savvy Designs

Of Course Designers LOVE the Holidays! Here's Why...

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

"Holiday Spirit" is Contagious and I for one could Christmas decorate all year round. In 2020, I was a huge advocate for "Let's leave the tree up until this pandemic is over"! There's just something magical about Holiday Decorations and the feeling they add to our homes. In a short period of time, we get to transform our living spaces with decor that's new, while mixing pieces we've cherished our entire lives. There's something beautiful about pulling out that ornament your Mom or Dad saved for years, and now displaying it in your own home.. This only goes to confirm how changing simple decor items in a room can change feelings, our mood, and love for a space we might have grown tired of.

This is why I love being a Designer. Every single day, I get to wake up and decorate like it's Christmas. I get to transform spaces and give my clients "Christmas morning feelings". They get excited about going into a room they had once grown tired of and tried ignoring. Now I understand the need for retail stores to promote "Christmas in July", The feeling of Christmas just brings happiness and inspires "change". Whether it's a change in decor or habits, it's all about inspiring us to want and feel better.

When it comes to Christmas Decor or any Holiday Decorating, while design is important, so is staying true to yourself. Choose to display pieces that make you smile and has stories attached. Then use newer items to accent your sentimental ones. Let yourself step "out the box" and give yourself permission to design BIG and get creative.

Don't beat yourself up for being excited about holiday decorating and ready to start in July! As long as you remember the real "Reason for the Season", design is just the icing on the cake. I give you permission to decorate and redecorate anytime you want. Life is too short, transform your space.

Until Next Time Ya'll,



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